Repairing a Damaged ZFS Device
This article describes how to determine ZFS device failure types, clear transient errors, and replace a device.
This article describes how to determine ZFS device failure types, clear transient errors, and replace a device.
If a device cannot be opened, it displays as UNAVAILABLE in the zpool status output.
When VxVM data like disk group private regions or disk headers gets corrupted we can restore them from a vxconfigbackup file using vxconfigrestore.
With ZFS filesystem, RAIDZ is very popular as it gives the best tradeoff of hardware failure protection versus storage.
Simple steps to setup a Sun ZFS Storage Applicance as an iSCSI device.
Using fssnap we can quickly take a temporary snapshot of any UFS file system and then use that snapshot for backup operations.
A simple article highligting the raid levels and arry types available for the Solaris operating system
The sam-archiverd is responsible for automatically archiving files in a SAM-FS file system.
This article is designed to walk you through common VxVM problems allowing you to troubleshoot them.
This article is aimed at providing a list of basic and advanced command-line examples for Veritas Volume Manager.
This is a cheat sheet I have compiled as a reminder of the symcli usage that I rarely use but do pop up every now and ahain.
How do we know how is a storage device mapped to local device? Simple checkout /etc/path_to_inst.
The majority of the VxVM utilities use a common set of exit codes, which allow programs to react to specific problems detected by the utilities.
This is a simple article that provides the command-line steps needed to manually reclaim space on a Data Domain system.
A simple procedure which shows how to identify a Sun StorEdge T3 / T3+ Arrays existing password if it has been forgotten.
The ZFSSA offers status and diagnostic information on various levels, and its logs are one of the first resources to consult.
When a ZFS Storage Appliance system cannot be reached through the network, you can gain access to the ZFSSA console prompt through the ILOM server.
The cleaning process of events automatically recorded when a problem occurs can be done automatically and sometimes it is not cleaned automatically.
A simple table which provides a listing of where to locate the serial number on various Sun related products.
A quick and simple troubleshooting guide for the Sun StorEdge A5x00 storage products
A brief overview of the various backup and restore utilities available under the Solaris operating system.
Having a large number of disks can be a challange for sysadmins. By giving each disk a volume name may make it easier.
If you have configured a firewall, ensure that the firewall settings allow access to the services and ports used by SF and SF-HA
How to backup Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) configuration for a disk group and use the backup to recover the disk group configuration
Distinguishing between a failed disk and a failing disk may save you time when you need to replace it.
Veritas Cluster Server?s Low Latency Transport (LLT) protocol provides fast, kernel-to-kernel communication and monitors network connections.
There are a number of utilities and files that come into play with tape drives in Solaris, and it is helpful to know how all the pieces fit together.
UFS is the primary file system for the Solaris OS. UFS is extremely mature, very stable, and for most applications, is the file system of choice.
There is a rather nasty bug in Vxfs 3.3.1 that appears to manifest itself into a backup problem.
Y2000 Compliance requires patched version 3.2.5 or later. The patched versions are down-loadable free of charge from the following ftp sites.
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) is Sun StorageTek's UNIX server software that controls an Automated Cartridge System (ACS).
This article provides a quick reference guide to the supported disk configuration on a Sun StorEdge A5x00 storage array.
Checking if any of the MPxIO, VxDMP or EMC PowerPath multipathing software is installed and active on a given Solaris system.
If the system needs more memory resources and the RAM is full, inactive pages in memory are moved to the swap space.
This is a short article on how to rescan newly added luns in Solaris, Linux, AIX and HP-UX operating systems.
For every hard drive known to Solaris, there is a file in the /dev/dsk that is used to access that drive.
The use of logical volumes is similar to the use of partitions and is accomplished with the same standard commands (mkfs, mount, fsck, df, ...)
A volume group (vg) is an abstraction layer between block devices and logical volumes. The commands used to manage a volume group start with vg
A physical volume (pv) is any block device (a disk, a partition, a RAID device, an iSCSI device, etc.)
Component Manager is a GUI application that helps manage and control Sun StorEdge A5x00 and Sun StorEdge T3 storage arrays.
A collection of troubleshooting tps for the Veritas File System (VxFS).
A collection of troublshooting tips for the raid manager software for controlling the Sun StorEdge A1000, RSM200, A3x00 storage arrays.
This is a simple post to answer the question ... How do I identify my file system type? and covers various falvours of UNIX and Linux
A factory reset of ZFSSA will reset the appliance configuration back to factory settings of the current software version, and reboot the appliance
This tape usually ends up in ready for writing or state. At this point there appears that nothing we do can unmount or free the drive
This FAQ should answer some of the basic questions on how failovers work on the StorEdge T3 array
When in doubt consult enotify 43212 on SunSolve for latest patches
An entry on the Solaris /etc/vfstab file has seven fields, which are described in the following table.
There are times when it is advantageous to change the World-Wide Number (WWN) for a particular SPARCstorage Array, such as after replacing the battery
Use the following procedure to configure a Solaris system to utilise fabric tape.
Here are the steps necessary to ensure successful switch-over of a Sun Storage Array (SSA) between two Sun systems.
Solstice DiskSuite is a software product that enables you to manage large numbers of disks and the data on those disks.
This post simple provides a list of the default passwords for the Sun Storage SE 99x0 arrays and Hitatchi Data Systems (HDS) Storage systems.
Did you know that it is also possible without a volume manager? You just have to know some special arguments to the mkfs command.
Remote Mirror(SNDR/RDC), creates a network based mirror between two raw devices.
Simply put, the software takes a picture, and then tracks any changes made since the copy is made through the use of a bitmap.
To restart the Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) Software, simply perform the following steps.
Creating a RAID 5 metadevice with DiskSuite is extremely simple. Unlike creating mirrors which involves several steps.
hasnap - backs up or restores a predefined and user defined list of VCS configuration files on each node in the cluster.
This simple article provides the steps necessary to password reset a Sun StorEdge T3 array.
This article is aimed a providing a list of basic commands for Veritas File System (VxFS).
This article is aimed a providing a list of basic and advanced commands and common information for Veritas Volume Manager
This cheat sheet contains common commands and information for Sun Cluster versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
In VCS configuration, each cluster contains systems, service groups and resources. Service Groups contain a list of systems belonging to that group.
In VCS configuration, each Cluster contains systems, Service Groups and Resources. Service Groups contain a list of systems belonging to that group.
Witihout using vxedit to change permissions VxVM device files go back to the defaults each time vxconfigd is enabled or the system rebooted.
This diagram is derived from the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) Performance and Tuning course notes. Additional state paths have been added.
A rate occurrance where VxVM fails where we cannot import a diskgroup due to the Veritas configuration database become corrupt.
There are two way to change block size to get quickly synchronized disks in mirrored system
RAID is a method of combining several hard drives into one unit. Offering fault tolerance and higher throughput levels than a group of drives.
Checking available storage levels using Navisphere
A simple step-by-step guide on how to test phone home on a Celerra system
This is a simple post providing the necessary steps on how to turn on Statistic logging on EMC Unisphere
How to turn on Statistic logging on EMC Navisphere
How to turn on statistical and data logging on EMC Unisphere for VNX
How to turn on data logging on EMC Unisphere to collect .NAZ files
How to turn on Data logging on EMC Navisphere Express
The preferred way of temporarily disabling access to smb / cifs shares is to set the parameter smbshare to off.
Clearing a continually lit ZFSSA fault LED after making sure there are no faults remaining on the system.
Shutdown a ZFS Storage Appliance (or one node of the appliance) from CLI without typing 'Y' to the confirmation.
The goal of this document is intended to help identify the correct serial number associated with a ZFS Storage Appliance.
This post is a quick start guide to getting the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Simulator up and running on your desktop
A simple how-to article providing the steps necessary to locate a failed compaonent of a ZFS Storage Appliance using both the BUI and CLI
The audit log on the ZFS Storage Appliance records user activity events, including login and logout to the BUI and CLI, and administrative actions.
A step-by-step instructions to change the nodename of a ZFS storage appliance
A simple procedure to replace a failed SCSI disks which is mirrored with Solstice DiskSuite without the need to reboot the Solaris server.
When enabled, all changes to file system meta-data are written to an intent log prior to being written out to the file system itself.
In this article we look at the requirement to add a new noode to an existing VCS cluster to increase the cluster capacity
This article provides the simple steps needed to gather SPCollects from a Celerra box
This article provides the simple steps needed to gather SPCollects from the EMC Navisphere.
This article provides the simple steps needed to gather the SPCollects from the Unisphere Maager.
This article makes use of the OpenFiler product to create an iSCSI target for an iSCSI SAN.
The NetWorker Cloud Backup Option provides support for backing up to both private (onsite) and public (offsite) cloud configurations.
This post provides an example of how to remove VxVM from a Solaris root disk. The operating system is mirrored between the two devices.
Using the tunesfs command you can modify certain parameters after creating the original file system without rebuilding the entire file system.
Changing only the passwords for the operating system users does not sufficiently prevent someone from logging in to Avamar server nodes.
A link is a pointer to another file or directory. Links provide a mechanism for multiple file names to reference the same data on disk.
The file type can usually be identified by looking at the first character of the first column of information when using the ls command
A metatrans device is identical to any other kind of metadevice. In order to configure the device it is assumed there is a free slice on each disk.
Sun StorEdge A5x00 disk arrays require a minimum number of disks to be installed and placed in certain slots to ensure proper operation of the array.
Unfortunately, this feature has been implemented in such a away that will prevent you from overwriting EDM media with a NetWorker label in general.
To handle RAW devices we use the RAWASM, a functionality that has been incorporated in NetWorker since 4.2 in UNIX or 4.4.1 for Windows.
leaning is an important process on a data domain system. It is important because it is used to prevent over writing data.
When using AD mode for CIFS access, the data domain system clock time cannot differ by more than five minutes.
This article describes how to create a CIFS share on the data domain system and how to troubleshoot access to it.
Only a filesys clean operation reclaims the physical storage used by files that are deleted and that are not present in a snapshot.
This article describes how to collect and use network throughput measurements which are used for evaluating the performance of specific services
The combination of a Data Domain system and DD Boost for Backup Exec creates an optimized connection to provide a tightly integrated solution
OpenStorage software gives NetBackup visibility into the properties and capabilities of the Data Domain storage system
DDBoost for RMAN enables database servers to communicate with Data Domain systems in an optimized way improving performance
Backup data is sent directly from the client to the Data Domain system using DDBoost technology to provide faster backup and recovery.
Data Domain Boost software provides integration between Data Domain storage systems and NetWorker software.
This post provides the steps needed to configure DD Boost over Fibre Channel via the System Manager and/or via command line.
Using the ramdiskadm command we can create a ramdisk pseudo device in the Solaris OS
ZFS uses the concept of storage pools to manage physical storage. Historically, file systems were constructed on top of a single physical device.
This article shows how to configure iSCSI LUNs on an ZFS Storage Appliance and integrate them to a Ubuntu Server using the command line.
Managing EMC ECS resources is easy with the command line interface (ecscli). Using the -h flag lists options available for each command.
Allows you to obtain drive and LUN information, revive a LUN, fail and unfail a drive, and obtain LUN reconstruction progress.
This document describes the various RM6 error codes returned by the Series 3 RAID controllers and grouped accordingly.
This post provides steps needed to restart the configuration of an Sun StorEdge A1000 or Sun StorEdge A3x00 storage array back to factory defaults.
Raid Manager (RM6) is the software product the enables you to manipulate the disks in an A1000, RSM2000 or an A3x00(fc).
Each SRC/P controller supports 36 disk drives per card and disk hot swapping so that drives can be replaced when the system is operational.
We have many utilities like iostat, fsstat, sar, etc. in Solaris to identify disk I/O performance issues.
This post provides the steps necessary to log into a VBA through SSH and load the dpnid key to ensure all the commands are run correctly.
SVM provides the ability to create more partitions than the limit of 7 using traditional partitions. Such partitions are called soft partitions.
The following command will create a dummy file in the specified path with the specified size (in bytes):
The Avamar Management Console Server provides centralized management including scheduling of backups, restore of backups, monitoring and reporting.
On Windows 2003 AVAMAR client uses the NTBackup Utility to create a backup of the system state.
How to mount and unmount an ISO CD-ROM image as a local file system on various UNIX platforms.
This article describes how to identify the state of each disk drive in the Data Domain system using the command line interface (CLI).
Use the following steps to quickly change the time and ntp settings.
This post provides a quick guide to the steps needed to shutdown an Avamar system.
Here's a quick procedure to proactively fail a disk in Data Domain
A short tip on how to increate the size of swap online for a given Solaris system under zfs.
Here's a quick procedure to replace a failed disk drive in Data Domain.
Performs tasks that are related to FAT and NTFS file systems, such as managing reparse points, managing sparse files, or dismounting a volume
EMC today released of Avamar 7.1 SP1. This refresh is a maintenance release with critical fixes for previously reported issues
The basics is that we are eliminating redundant data, storing only one instance of each segment and using pointers to take the place of duplicates.
This article simple ist the license optinos avilable for the EMC Data Domain product.
Included with the data domain appliance are CIFS, NFS, global compression, local compression, MTrees, Snapshots and Fastcopy support
Benefits of integrating an Avamar system with Data Domain on the backend would be a flexible architecture and lots of plugins for applications
This is a simplified method taken from the manuls on how to perform the initial configuration on Data Domain system
Yesterday, EMC announced updates to it's Data Domain documentation. Use the links to view the compatibility guides.
Creating an avamar schedule for your backup policies is a must for any systems administrator. This post shows you how to step-by-step.
Avamar events can be quite tedious to acknowledge when you have a large number appearing in the GUI. This one-liner tip will acnowledge all events.
HOW TO: Setup SAN boot for RHEL 6.x using native multipath on EMC storage
Similar filesystems should be grouped together in hierarchies to make management easier.
How to isolate the cause for the issue and identify the solution whilst connecting to the data domain system over a network.
The methods listed in this article are for obtaining the serial numbers from Avamar DataStore Gen2, Gen3 and Gen4 hardware
To retrieve an Avamar system id, you must login as either the root user or admin on your Avamar utility node, and execute the mccli command
metatree is a simple awk script that pretty prints the Solstie DiskSuite 'metastat -p' output into a user friendly format.
metaview is a simple script to pretty print the metastat output from disksuite showing all metadevices and mirror status side-by-side.
Have you ever got into a situation where you can't install a new system as you forgot to change the disk label from EFI prior to install?
This article provides a list of default passwords for an Avamar grid. If you have not already, consider changing the defaults for security reasons.
Ever needed to get Solaris to detect disks; the method depends on the version of Solaris. This article provides a how to
This post provides a list of basic Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) commands
Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) is an implementation of disk management allowing for mirroring and raid to better manage and utilise your storage.
A full discussion is beyond the scope of this article, so we will focus on the most common cases, how to set them up, manage them and maintain them.
ZFS uses the concept of storage pools to manage physical storage. Historically, file systems were constructed on top of a single physical device.
This document provides a quick and simple reference guide to various EMC PowerPath commands
EMC PowerPath for Solaris automates data path management, failover and recovery, and optimizes load balancing to ensure application availability.
In this post we discuss how to use powermt command with practical examples.
A short article providing common troubleshooting reference between Solaris 8 and AIX 4.3.3 operating systems.
When disks are added to an existing mirrored or RAID Z pool, the ZFS is resilvered to redistribute the data.
Ever needed to kill a bunch of backup sessions on your Avamar system? simply follow these instructions
The scope of this post is to share a how to like procedure aimed at the shutdown and startup of Avamar system.
The scope of this article is to provide a how to procedure aimed at cleaning up rouge and outdated NetWorker backups held on an Avamar system.
Sun StorADE software is used for fault management of storage devices. It provides monitoring, notifications, diagnostics, reports, etc.