Changing Avamar Passwords

If you have not changed Avamar passwords from the factory default values, use the change-passwords utility to change them. The EMC Avamar Administration Guide provides more information about changing Avamar passwords.

Passwords you should change

The following table lists Avamar user accounts and SSH keys that require password changes.

Operating system user accounts root
SSH keys admin_key
Root-level software application user accounts root
Table 1 - Avamar user accounts and SSH keys

You are strongly recommended to change the passwords for all of these user accounts.

Changing only the passwords for the operating system users does not sufficiently prevent someone from logging in to Avamar server nodes. If you have not changed the two SSH keys, someone could use the factory-default SSH keys to log in to the Avamar server.

Best practice

Change all factory default passwords except the passwords for the backuponly, restoreonly, and backuprestore software application users.