Sun StorEdge 6x20 storage array cheat sheet
This document provides a a cheet sheet introduction the Sun StorEdge 6120 or 6320 storage array wuth supported OS and examples.
When in doubt, consult enotify 43212 on SunSolve for latest patches. It is the "official" patch/compatibility matrix and is publicly available to customers.
Supported Hosts
- Ultra 60/80
- E3500, E4500, E5500, E6500, E10K
- Sun Fire x800, 4810, V100, V120, V210, V240, V280, V880, 280R, 12K, 15K
- Netra 11xx, 1200, t1400, 1405
- Sun Blade 150, 2000
- Intel PIII, Intel PIV
- HP9000, rp8xxx, rp5000
- IBM RS6000
- 1 Gbit PCI FC-AL (Crystal)
- 1 Gbit PCI FC-AL (Amber)
- 1 Gbit PCI FC-AL (Diamond)
- 2 Gbit PCI FC-AL (Crystal2)
- 2 Gbit PCI FC-AL (Amber2)
Note: Check sunsolve for Qlogic, Emulex, IBM, JNI, & HP HBA support.
Operating System Support
- Solaris 8 update 4 or later
- Solaris 9 update 1 or later
- MS Windows 2000, NT, HPUX, AIX, Linux
Host Software
- ESM 1.2
- Sun StorEdge Configuration Service (For the 6120 array only)
- StorADE Enterprise Edition
- Solaris Volume Manager
- Veritas Volume Manager 3.5
- Sun StorEdge Performance Suite 4.0 (Sun QFS)
- 36 Gbyte/15000 RPM
- 73 Gbyte/10000 RPM
- 146 Gbyte/10000 RPM
Note: With a minimum config of 7 drives in each tray. (UxD1-6 and UxD14 in these positions)
- The array supports Raid 0, 1 and 5.
- The 6320 support both Explicit Lun Failover(ELF) and Implicit Lun Failover(ILM)
- The failover can be managed by either VXDMP and STMS.
- The 6320 also support remote lights out management.
Packages to Install
On a management host you can load SUNse6320 (SSCS configuration utilities). Packages that come loaded on the SP are:
Package | Description |
SUNWse6320 | SSCS configuration utilities |
SUNWapcy | Authentication policy java program |
SUNWfbru | Flash backup files and executable |
SUNWntcu | Network Terminal Concentrator images & Utilities |
SUNWppro | Patch Pro |
SUNWsdb | Data base interface for Java applications |
SUNWsespdf | SE6320 system Firewall Defaults |
SUNWsespfw | SE6320 system Firewal Configuration |
SUNWstade | StorADE |
Sample Commands
The following commands run on the management host or the SP
Note: for more details of each command or extra options check out the associated man pages
You will need to log into the CIM database before executing any commands
# /opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs login -h [localhost] -u [user name]
Listing what arrays are available
[sp0]# ./sscs list array Array: array00 [sp0]#
Listing the array configuration, for this example using the output fro above array00
[sp0]# ./sscs list array array00 Array: array00 Segment size: 64K Cache mode: auto Readahead mode: on Disk recon rate: medium Failover mode: explicit Fiber chanel topology: fabric_p2p Fiber chanel port speed: 2 gigabit Description: array00 Status: ok Tray id: 3 Tray id: 2 Tray id: 1 Tray id: 0 [sp0]#
List all the tray id numbers in the array
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 tray Tray: 3 Tray: 2 Tray: 1 Tray: 0 [sp0]#
List the trays Configuration Parameters in array00 with tray id 0
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 tray 0 Tray: 0 Type: Controller Role: Master State: Enabled Status: Ready Number of drives: 7 All drives healthy: yes Drive capacity: 68.37 GB Pool: t0pool0 [sp0]#
Show the date on the array
[sp0]# ./sscs list date Mon May 5 15:37:10 PDT 2003 [sp0]#
List all the volumes in array00
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 volume Volume: t0pool0v0 Volume: t0pool0v1 Volume: t0pool0v2 Volume: t0pool0v3 Volume: t1pool0v0 Volume: t1pool0v1 Volume: t1pool0v2 Volume: t1pool0v3 Volume: t2pool0v0 Volume: t2pool0v1 Volume: t2pool0v2 Volume: t2pool0v3 Volume: t3pool0v0 Volume: t3pool0v1 Volume: t3pool0v2 Volume: t3pool0v3 [sp0]#
List a specfic volume t2pool0v1 in array array00
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 volume t2pool0v1 Volume: t2pool0v1 Pool: t2pool0 Size: 10 GB Default permissions: None Tray id: 2 LUN: 5 [sp0]#
Create a pool>
# sscs create -a array00 -t 0 -d 6 -r 5 -s 1 pool t0pool0
- name of array = array00
- -t 0 (tray id)
- -d 6 (number of disks)
- -r 5 (raid 5)
- -s 1 (hot spare = 1 and no hot spare = 0)
# sscs create -a array00 -p t0pool0 -s 10gb -P none -n 0 volume t0pool0v0
- name of array = array00
- -s size volume
- -P permission of volume (readwrite none readonly)
- -n lun #
Create a volume group
# sscs create -a array00 volgroup group_even
- Create a volume group for array00
- name of array = array00
- name of volgroup = group_even
List all active jobs
# ./sscs list -o true jobs Job ID: Job ID:
List the last to log messages from the SP
[sp0]# ./sscs list -t 10 log May 23, 2003 1:18:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:20:04 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:22:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:24:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:26:00 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:28:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:30:04 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:32:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:34:02 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk May 23, 2003 1:36:01 PM PDT: Error accessing persistence flash disk [sp0]#
List all the initgroups from the array
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 initgroup Initiator Group: 450e Initiator Group: e10k
Delete a initgroup from the array
[sp0]# sscs delete -a array00 initgroup 450e
List the all initiators from the array
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 initiator Initiator: 210000E08B0602E9 Initiator: 210000E08B06FCE8 Initiator: 210000E08B0705B5 Initiator: 210000E08B07CCB4
Delete a initiator from the array
# sscs delete -a array00 initiator 210000E08B0602E9
List all the volume groups from the array
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 volgroup Volume Group: group_even Volume Group: group_odd
Delete volume group group_even from the array00
# sscs delete -a array00 volume t0pool0v0
sscs list -a array00 pool t0pool0
List a pool from the array00
# ./sscs list -a array00 pool t1pool0 Pool: t1pool0 Raid level: 5 Hot Spare: 1 Total Size: 340.85GB Available capacity: 340.85GB Status: online
Modify Timezone
[sp0]# ./sscs modify timezone US/Eastern [sp0]# ./sscs list timezone Eastern Standard Time
Modify Date/Time month day hour minute year second
# sscs modify -G false date 052715332003.00
List all the pools in array00
[sp0]# ./sscs list -a array00 pool Pool: t0pool0 Pool: t1pool0 Pool: t2pool0 Pool: t3pool0
Add volume to a volume group called group_odd
# sscs add -a array00 -v t0pool0v1,t1pool0v1 volgroup group_odd