Show outstanding NetWorker savesets by backup group
This is a quick how to guide, giving details of how you can see the outstanding savesets remaining or queued using nsradmin
This is a quick how to guide, giving details of how you can see the outstanding savesets remaining or queued using nsradmin
To understand the backup process, you need to understand these backup terms associated with the NetWorker product.
As the term has no exact definition it simply means reading multiple save streams at the same time but other definitions may be misread..
This may prove useful when deciding what data needs to be backed up and how often and which data could be considered for archiving.
Sometimes you get into a situation where the only possible location of data that you need to get back is in a saveset that aborted during the backup.
At first glance the answer this is not straight forward, but the answer is quite simple; Using two commands mminfo and nsrinfo we get the results.
Occasionally when performing a restore NetWorker is unable to browse the content of a saveset due to the saveset passing its browse period.