How to browse Recovery after saveset has passed browse period
Occasionally when performing a restore NetWorker is unable to browse the content of a saveset due to the saveset passing its browse period. Use the following procedure to perform a recovery.
- Run mminfo for the given client and browse through the output to look for the saveset ID for the requested recovery:
mminfo -avot -c client_name
- Check on the "level" of the target saveset that the user needs to recover, as if it is an incremental request to perform the instructions below for the most recent, along with all incremental before the desired date. You may also have to take action on the previous full backup.
- Run mminfo again to obtain the cloneid of the saveset
mminfo -av -q ssid=XXXX -r cloneid
- Use nsrmm to update the browse time on the saveset
nsrmm -e "mm/dd/yy" -S XXXX/YYYY
The mm/dd/yy is the date the user would like the saveset to be browsable from. Runningmminfo -q ssid=<ssid> -r savetime,ssbrowse,ssretent,ssflags will not show any difference to the output currently. If you included clretent in the command above you will see the date specified reported here.# nsrmm -o notrecyclable -S XXXX/YYYY
when it asks to mark the saveset as not recyclable. Once this command is run if you repeat the mminfo command above you will see the ssretent has now changed and also the flags tovrF
- Run
mminfo -avot -c client_name
From the output, the user will be able to see the saveset worked on has now becomecr
- Run
mminfo -avot -N index:client_name
Locate the index that is being backed up with the target saveset and mark down its time. This will be the index taken after the backup, depending upon your policies it may be later or next day, not same time as the backup. - Run
nsrck -L7 -t "mm/dd/yy" client_name
Replace mm/dd/yy with the time obtained from step 7. This command assumes the volume/s required are present in the jukebox or drive. If they are not you will have to make then available to the software. - Run
mminfo -avot -c client_name
From the output, the user will be able to see the saveset worked on now becomescb
- Repeat the above steps for any further saveset required. If no more saveset operations are required, double check within NMC to make sure volumes required are available for recovery. Volume required information can be checked within NetWorker user GUI or previous mminfo output within 1.
- Perform recover through the NetWorker user GUI and change the browse time. Now you shall be able to see the data for recovery.
Refer EMC knowledge base article esg98649