What are NetWorker Parallel Recoveries?
By definition that simply means "reading multiple save streams at the same time". However, as this term is not exactly defined, you may come up with multiple definitions.
- Recovering multiple save streams from different devices to the same client Q? Can NetWorker do this? A! Sure. Start multiple recover processes, one for each device.
- Recovering multiple save streams from one media to the same client Q? Can NetWorker do this? A! Sure. Of course you must start multiple recover processes. This will work if the media has not been positioned behind the start of one of these save sets.
- Recovering multiple save streams from one media to different clients Q? Can NetWorker do this? A! Sure. Each client has to start a recover process. This will work if the media has not been positioned behind the start of one of these save sets.
- Recovering multiple save streams from different devices to different clients Q? Can NetWorker do this? A! Sure. However, this is only a parallel recover process to be handled by the server. For each client, it is nothing else but a simple (single) recovery.
Remember that these are just the basic scenarios. Other, mixed combinations may also apply.