A collection of system admin hints and tips, documents and articles for Legato, Solstice Backup and EMC NetWorker products in all their variants.

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Troubleshooting NetWorker VSS errors

When VSS fails it can sometimes mean that you are unable to create a disk image or backup open files with EMC NetWorker

EMC NetWorker FastStart Demo

NetWorker Fast Start is a solution for backup and recovery, designed to simplify licensing, installation, and configuration.

What are the NetWorker backup levels?

Different backup levels are a trade off, size or amount of time required to complete a backup with that required to recover from a recovery.

Resetting default username and password for NMC

The following procedures given details on resetting the NMC Administrator password to the default value on Solaris, Linux and Windows systems.

When are jobs purged from jobsdb?

A process runs every 12 hours to check for entries to be purged also if a record's lifetime has passed the time limit it will be also be deleted.