Listing files in a NetWorker saveset

A common question I've had in NetWorker support is "How do I list the files backed up in a saveset?"

At first glance the answer this isn't straight forward, ut the answer is quite simple; Just using two commands mminfo and nsrinfo we get the results;

Firstly, we need to run the mminfo command to obtain the savetime of the saveset in epoch format (ie: number of seconds since 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT):

% mminfo -r nsavetime -v -N <name> -c <client> -ot


  • -r nsametime -- report only the save time of the saveset in epoch format
  • <name> -- is the name of the saveset you want to review, (ie: /data, /opt, etc.)
  • <client> -- is the backup client on which the saveset was taken
  • -ot -- sorts the output in date order

Then we feed the mminfo output into the nsrinfo command:

% nsrinfo -t <nsavetime> <client>


  • -t <nasavetime> -- is the output taken from the mminfo output
  • <client> -- is the backup client on which the saveset was taken

For example:

% mminfo -r nsavetime -v -N /data -c smurf -ot
% nsrinfo -t 922924800 smurf
23459 objects found