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Solaris Raid Level and Array Type Primer

A simple article highligting the raid levels and arry types available for the Solaris operating system

Assigning a Volume Name to a Solaris disk

Having a large number of disks can be a challange for sysadmins. By giving each disk a volume name may make it easier.

Solaris inode size

Inodes store information on files such as user and group ownership, access mode (read, write, execute permissions) and type of file.

Field Descriptions for the /etc/vfstab File

An entry on the Solaris /etc/vfstab file has seven fields, which are described in the following table.

A simple Disk Wipe procedure on Solaris

Overwriting a disk with the format command is usually enough for most purposes, because it greatly reduces the chance that any data can be recovered.

EFI and SUN Disk Labels

Have you ever got into a situation where you can't install a new system as you forgot to change the disk label from EFI prior to install?