Unable to launch NMC on Windows after NetWorker upgrade
After NMC is upgraded, the NMC gconsole.jnlp in the Java Web Start cache will be different from the gconsole.jnlp file in the previous version of NetWorker. As a result the console client fails to launch the NMC GUI with the following error message:
Unable to launch NetWorker Management Console
To resolve this issue, clear the java cache on all computers that are used as a console:
- Open the Java cache viewer by running the command:
C:\> javaws.exe —viewer
- In the viewer window, ensure that Applications is selected from the Show drop down list.
- In the Java Cache window, select the NetWorker Management Console entry.
- From the Java Cache toolbar, click X to remove the NMC.
- From the Show menu, select Resources.
- Click Name to sort the resources by application name.
- In the Viewer window select all gconsole files with a jnlp extension.
- From the Java Cache toolbar, click X to remove the jnlp files.
- Close the Java Cache Viewer window.