Sun Explorer Utility (SUNWexplo)
Sun Explorer is a data collection utility run on Solaris systems. This explorer gathers information and creates detailed snapshots of a systems architecture and configuration. The Sun explorer utility was designed to assist Sun Microsystems support engineers to perform effective analysis of a system.
Installing Sun Explorer
You need to install both the SUNWexplo
and SUNWexplu
packages in order to utilise the Sun explorer tool.
If want to install the Sun Explorer utility as part of the jumpstart installation, you can add the following lines to your JS profile:
package SUNWexplo add nfs IP_address:/export/software # Sun(TM) Explorer Data Collector package SUNWexplu add nfs IP_address:/export/software # Sun(TM) Data Collector Config Files
Configuring Explorer
Before you can use the explorer utility, you need to configure the Explorer data file, using the command:
# /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -g
Running Explorer
To run the explorer once the configuration file has been create, simply use the following command:
# /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer
the output is placed into the /opt/SUNWexplo/output
Downloading Explorer
Download the Sun Explorer utility from the Sun Download page.
NOTE: Sun Explorer is bundled with the Sun Service Tools