Running Gramps 3.2.0 genealogy software on Solaris 11 Express

I originally wrote an article on running Gramps on Solaris 10. This article is a copy of the update to that article written by Richard Cottrell to cover installing Gramps 3.2.0 on Solaris 11 (see original post)

Gramps (Genealogical Research Software)

Gramps is an acronym for Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System). It is a community project, created, developed and governed by genealogists.

Gramps official home page is

Here is a copy of Richard Cottrell's original post:

I'm running Gramps-3.2.0 on Solaris 11 Express and would like to
know if anyone on the list is doing the same. 

This is what I did: 

Solaris 11 Express: 

install these files from package manager: 

gcc3, gettext, GNU gettext, header-math, autoconf, automake-1.10 

Then get these files from online: 

Berkeley db: 

$ gtar zxfB db-5.2.28.NC.tar.gz 
$ cd db-5.2.28.NC/build_unix 
$ ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr 
$ gmake 
$ su 
# gmake install 


$ gtar zxfB bsddb3-5.2.0.tar.gz 
$ cd bsddb3-5.2.0 
$  python build 
$ su 
# python install 


$ gtar zxfB reportlab-2.5.tar.gz 
$ cd reportlab-2.5 
$ python build 
$ su 
# python install 

Changes For Gramps-3.2.0: 


change line 6512 to read: minver = map(int, string.split('2.6', '.')) + 

change line 6544 to read: minver = map(int, string.split('2.6', '.')) + 


change top line to read: #!/bin/ksh 


change lin 33 to read: import bsddb3 


below: from gen.ggettext: import gettext as - add: from bsddb3 import db 


change line 66 to read: from bssdb3.db import DB_CREATE, DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 


change line 38 to read: from bsddb3 import db 


change line 35 to read: from bsddb3 import dbshelve, db 


change line 36 to read: from bsddb3 import db 


change line 42 to read: from bsddb3 import dbshelve, db 


change line 29 to read: from bsddb3 import db as bsddb_db 


change line 8 to read: import sys, os, bsddb3 

change line 122 to read: str(bsddb3._version_), 


change line 34 to read: from bsddb3.db import DBError 

Compile Gramps-3.2.0 

$ gtar zxvf gramps-3.2.0.tar.gz 
$ cd gramps-3.2.0 
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr 
$ make 
$ su 
# make install 
