NetWorker Licensing overview
Evaluation licensing for NetWorker will run unhindered for 30 days, after which the server runs in "enabled" mode where you load a base enabler on each NetWorker server and specific function enabler codes that will work for 45 days before having to authorize the product. After authorizing the software, it is permanently available for use.
Use the NSR License resource to install codes.
The traditional model is to have an enabler for every feature and module, which is beneficial in that you only need to purchase what you use. There are trial enablers that give access to features for 45 days. Feature licenses activate features, such as archiving, client connection, NDMP and Data Domain.
Once a base enabler is installed, it can only be upgraded or downgraded, but not deleted. The base enabler determines features of the NetWorker servers. The 30-day eval ends when the base is installed. The evaluation enabler extends the evaluation period 45 days, and the update enabler is required to update from 7.5 to 8.0 and is automatically generated since NetWorker 7.6.
Base enablers come in 4 versions: Power, Network, Workgroup and Business. When purchased, you receive a LAC email with enabler codes, which are combined in Powerlink with the host ID to generate an authorization code which is put into the NetWorker console.
nsradmin -i will install NetWorker licenses on the NetWorker server through the CLI instead of using the NWAdmin GUI, which would take place in the "Registrations" page under the NW Server.
In a clustered environment, a Composite Host ID is generated from the host ID of all servers in teh cluster. The hostid's of each are stored in a file and NetWorker generates the composite host ID when restarted.
Virtual environments are licensed by the host, not the client. Modules are licensed the same way - so all Oracle servers are covered under one plug-in as long as they are all on the same host. VADP and VCB require one client connection license. VCB is automatically upgraded to VADP after NetWorker 7.6 SP2 to accommodate the proxy.
After NetWorker 7.6 SP1, NetWorker can be licensed for all features by the capacity in TB. Measured as largest full backup over a 60-day period. This amount can be estimated using DPA, or EMC provides a free virtual appliance called the Asset Management and Planning appliance (AMP).
NetWorker Capacity licenses come in the Source Capacity Datazone Enabler, which is required for each installation and the capacity is tiered in 1TB or 10TB increments. There are less licenses to deal with, because all features are enabled. Requires NetWorker 7.6 SP1 as minimum, with no concern for client license.
Modules not included with NetWorker: Module for Documentum, PowerSnap, SnapImage.
Traditional licensing is best for environments where there are few clients with lots of data. Capacity licensing is best for environments where you lots of clients and little data, or in environments where you need lots of features.
To gather license info from NetWorker: nsrlic -v <servername> shows licenses by type, available and which clients are using them.
License conformance summary is a report from the GUI that details license information.
Create a license template in Excel to keep track of licenses required as designing the system. Add the base license last to avoid disabling features. Don't use NetWorker in a prod7uction system unless auth codes are applied, and if your NetWorker server changes, the auth codes become invalid.