Installing a package using CYGWINs apt-cyg utility

If you have already installed cygwin and are looking for a convenient way to install additional software from the command line, the apt-cyg tool may be just what you need. The apt-cyg utility provides a commandline package installation facility which cooperates with the cygwin setup program and uses the same repository..

Below details the steps required to install the apt-cyg command line installer


The apt-cyg utility cannot be used to install cygwin from scratch. Before apt-cyg can be used, the [bash], [wget], [tar], g[awk] and [bzip2] packages must be installed.

C:\> setup.exe -q -P wget,tar,qawk,bzip2,subversion,vim

Install the apt-cyg

Next download and install apt-cyg from within Cygwin.

$ svn --force export /bin/ 
$ chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg


The apt-cyg utility provides the following command line options:

apt-cyg install foo bar # install packages foo and bar
apt-cyg remove foo bar # remove packages foo and bar
apt-cyg update # refresh setup.ini
apt-cyg show # list installed packages
apt-cyg find foobar # list packages that have names that match the pattern foobar
apt-cyg describe foo bar # describe packages matching patterns foo and bar
apt-cyg packageof foobar # find packages containing file named foobar
