Importing VxVM disk group with older disk group version

All disk groups have a version number associated with them. Each major Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) release traditionally introduces a disk group version, however, in some cases, a new disk group version will not be created for a particular VxVM version.

To support new features, the disk group must be at least the disk group version of the release when the feature was introduced. If you need to import a disk group on a system running an older version of Veritas Volume Manager, you can create a disk group with an earlier disk group version.

By default, VxVM creates a disk group of the highest version supported by the release.

For example, Veritas Volume Manager 7.4.1 creates disk groups with version 280.

Each VxVM release supports a specific set of disk group versions. VxVM can import and perform operations on a disk group of any supported version. However, the operations are limited by what features and operations the disk group version supports.

Attempts to use a feature of the current version that is not a feature of the version from which the disk group was imported results in an error message similar to this:

VxVM vxedit ERROR V-5-1-2829 Disk group version doesn't support feature

VxVM product functionality is limited by the features and operations of the disk group version supports.

To list the version of an imported disk group, use this command:

# vxdg list <dgname>

You can also determine the disk group version of an imported disk group by using the vxprint command with the -l format option.

To create a disk group with a previous version, specify the -T version option to the vxdg init command.

When you want to use new features, the disk group can be upgraded. The upgrade is an explicit operation. Once the upgrade occurs, the disk group becomes incompatible with earlier releases of VxVM that do not support the new version. There is no "downgrade" facility. For disk groups that are shared among multiple servers for failover or for off-host processing, verify that the VxVM release on all potential hosts that may use the disk group supports the disk group version to which you are upgrading.

To use any of the new features, you must run the vxdg upgrade command to explicitly upgrade the disk group to a version that supports those features.

To upgrade a disk group to the highest version supported by the release of VxVM that is currently running, use this command:

# vxdg upgrade <dgname>

Until the disk group is upgraded, it can still be imported by other servers supporting the disk group version.

VxVM Disk Group Versions

VxVM releaseDisk Group versionFeatures included
7.4.2 290 DCM loggingin DCO Disk group level encryption and re-key feature
7.4.1 280 Technology preview: Adaptive synchronous mode in VVR
7.4 260 Intent lock
7.3.1 240  
7.3 230 4K sector size disk support
7.2 230 4K sector size disk support
7.0 200 Flexible storage sharing
SmartIO support for shared volumes
6.2 200 Flexible storage sharing
SmartIO support for shared volumes
6.1 190 SmartIO caching

The SmartIO caching feature requires VxVM version 6.2, but can provide caching for disk groups with version 190 or higher.

CVM enhancements
6.0.1 180 CVM availability enhancements
6.0 170 VVR compression
VVR Secondary logging
CVM availability enhancements
DCO version 30
Recovery for synchronization tasks
5.1SP1 160 Automated bunker replay as part of GCO failover
Ability to elect primary during GCO takeover
CVM support for more than 32 nodes and up to 64 nodes
CDS layout support for large luns (> 1 TB)
vxrootadm enhancements
5.1 150 SSD device support, migration of ISP dg
5.0 140 Data migration, Remote Mirror, coordinator disk groups (used by VCS), linked volumes, snapshot LUN import
5.0 130 VVR Enhancements
4.1 120 Automatic Cluster-wide Failback for A/P arrays
Persistent DMP Policies
Shared Disk Group Failure Policy
4.0 110 Cross-platform Data Sharing (CDS)
Device Discovery Layer (DDL) 2.0
Disk Group Configuration Backup and Restore
Elimination of rootdg as a Special Disk Group
Full-Sized and Space-Optimized Instant Snapshots
Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP)
Serial Split Brain Detection
Volume Sets (Multiple Device Support for VxFS)
3.5 90 Cluster Support for Oracle Resilvering
Disk Group Move, Split and Join
Device Discovery Layer (DDL) 1.0
Layered Volume Support in Clusters
Ordered Allocation
OS Independent Naming Support
Persistent FastResync
3.2 90 Cluster Support for Oracle Resilvering
Disk Group Move, Split and Join
Device Discovery Layer (DDL) 1.0
Layered Volume Support in Clusters
Ordered Allocation
OS Independent Naming Support
Persistent FastResync
3.1.1 80 VVR Enhancements
3.1 70 Non-Persistent FastResync
Sequential DRL
VVR Enhancements
3.0 60 Online Relayout
Safe RAID-5 Subdisk Moves
2.5 50 SRVM (now known as Veritas Volume Replicator or VVR)
2.3 40 Hot-Relocation
2.2 30 VxSmartSync Recovery Accelerator
2.0 20 Dirty Region Logging (DRL)
Disk Group Configuration Copy Limiting
Mirrored Volumes Logging
New-Style Stripes
RAID-5 Volumes
Recovery Checkpointing
1.3 15  
1.2 10  

* All previous disk group versions are supported.