A collection of system administration hints and tips, tricks and articles for the Solaris operating system in all its variants.

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Solaris Crash Dump Analysis (CDA)

Whatever the cause, the crash dump itself provides invaluable information to a support engineer to aid in diagnosing the problem.

Solaris backup and restore utilities

A brief overview of the various backup and restore utilities available under the Solaris operating system.

Components of a UFS file system

When you create a UFS file system, the disk slice is divided into cylinder groups.

soft links and hard links in Solaris

A link is a pointer to another file or directory. Links provide a mechanism for multiple file names to reference the same data on disk.

Solaris file types

The file type can usually be identified by looking at the first character of the first column of information when using the ls command

Controlling User Disk Space Usage

Quotas let system administrators control the size of UFS file systems by limiting the amount of disk space that individual users can acquire.

Solaris backup and restore command examples

Backups and Restores of Solaris UFS file systems, files and directories can be done using tar, cpio, ufsdump, ufsrestore and dd commands.