A collection of system administration hints and tips, tricks and articles for the Solaris operating system in all its variants.

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UFS logging in Solaris (updated)

When enabled, all changes to file system meta-data are written to an intent log prior to being written out to the file system itself.

SunOS to Solaris versioning explained [updated]

SunOS is the core operating system and Solaris is the broader environment comprising SunOS, OpenWindows and networking support

Solaris Software Patches

Patches are identified by unique alphanumeric strings. The patch base code, then a hyphen, and then a number that represents the patch revision number

Tuning a Solaris UFS file system

Using the tunesfs command you can modify certain parameters after creating the original file system without rebuilding the entire file system.

Changing hostid under Solaris 8

To change the hostid, usually it's sufficient (and very easy) to use the hid ( or hid2 ) programs, which change the hostid of the running kernel.

Creating a Solaris Zone on ZFS

The following is a simple example of creating a ZFS filesystem and using it to hold a newly-created Solaris Zone (Solaris Container)

Recreating /dev/null in Solaris

A simple procedure to recreate /dev/null on a Solaris system using the mknod command to create a special character device.

Patching Solaris with Sun Patch Manager 2

Sun have decided to terminate (end-of-support) Patch Manager 2.0 support. You are now recommended to use Sun Update Manager instead.