Changing the Hostname in Solaris (updated)

The traditional method of changing the hostname of a given solaris system was to use sys-unconfig utility. This command restores the system's configuration to an “as-manufactured” state, ready to be reconfigured again. This includes it's hostname, IP address, DNS, timezone, etc.

There is a simpler method and one I've used for many years. Which require a simple edit of a couple of files and reboot the system.

Under Solaris 10 and earlier follow these steps. For Solaris 11, click here:

  1. Edit the following files and replace the old hostname and/or IP address wherever applicable:
  2. Edit /etc/hostname.<interface>. This is the primary interface that is being used in the system (for example /etc/hostnme.hme0). If the file only contains an IP address you can leave the file unchanged, unless you want to change the IP address of the system too.
  3. (optionally) Modify dumpadm's savecore directory too:
    # dumpadm -s /var/crash/<new_hostname>
  4. Under Solaris 9, we also need to edit the following files:
  5. Reboot the system gracefully for the changes to take effect:
    # init 6
    # shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Solaris 11

With the release of Solaris 11 came a change for the /etc/nodename file being replaced with the config/nodename property of the svc:/system/identity:node service. So in order to change hostname in Solaris 11, we need to change the property to the new hostname and restart the service.

  1. To list the current hostname (i.e. config/nodename property):
    # svccfg -s system/identity:node listprop config
    config                       application
    config/enable_mapping       boolean     true
    config/ignore_dhcp_hostname boolean     false
    config/loopback             astring
    config/nodename             astring     smurf
  2. Change the hostname to schlumpf by setting the property config/nodename to schlumpf
    # svccfg -s system/identity:node setprop config/nodename="schlumpf"
  3. Refresh and restart the system/identity:node service for the changes to take effect.
    # svcadm refresh system/identity:node
    # svcadm restart system/identity:node
  4. Verify the changes
    # svccfg -s system/identity:node listprop config
    config                       application
    config/enable_mapping       boolean     true
    config/ignore_dhcp_hostname boolean     false
    config/nodename             astring     schlumpf
    config/loopback             astring     schlumpf
    # hostname