What is the NetBackup Catalog?
The Catalog is an integral part of NetBackup and should be protected. In a nutshell the NetBackup Catalog is the internal database containing fundamental areas which include:
- Configuration files containing information about schedules, policies, storage media, etc.
- NBDB (the NetBackup database)
- Image database
NOTE: The NetBackup Catalog is kept on the NetBackup master server and should be backed up on a regular basis.
Configuration files
The configuration files consist of directories and flat files:
- class* — policy information
- client — master server client attributes
- cltmp* — policy temporary information
- config — host properties, data classification properties
- DBVERSION* — NetBackup version
- error — activity logs
- failure_history — list of failed backups
- IDISTRUCT — structure of images database
- images — backup image database (flat files)
- jobs — job information
- media — temporary area for media activity
- sched — staging schedules
- ss — storage lifecycle policy (SLP) information
- vault — vault properties
The above files and directories are located under /usr/openv/netbackup/db
(unix/linux), and NetBackup\db
NBDB (NetBackup Relational database)
The NetBackup relational database (NBDB) is created during the installation of the NetBackup Master server running on Sybase SQL Anywhere.
Database files located under /usr/openv/db/data (unix/linux) or \NetBackupDB\data (windows) are as follows:
- NBDB.db - main database used by many NetBackup services and processes
- EMM_DATA.db and EMM_INDEX.db - used by the nbemm (EMM service)
- DBM_DATA.db and DBM_INDEX.db
- DARS_DATA.db and DATS_DATA.db - used by the Database Agent Requester Service (DARS) for Oracle database recovery and cloning purposes
- SEARCH_DATA.db and SEARCH_INDEX.db - used by the NetBackup Search and Hold feature for legal holds
- JOBD_DATA.db - used to populate job information in the activity monitor
- SLP_DATA.db and SLP_INDEX.db - contains information about SLP
- NBAZDB.db - used by the NetBackup authorization and authentication services
NBDB log files:
- NBDB.log
- NBAZDB.log
- BMRDB.log
Configuration files are located under /usr/openv/var/global (unix/linux) or \NetBackupDB\conf (windows):
- vxdbms.conf — configuration information specific to the database server installation
- server.conf — configuration information for the NetBackup databases
- databases.conf — the locations of the main database files and the database names for automatic startup
Image database
The NetBackup image database stores image information such as:
- backup header — which defines the backup id, size, state, etc. — prior to NBU 7.5 these were stored as flat files, in later releases they are now stored in the NBDB.
- file metadata — which defines the files that have been backed are stored under
(unix/linux), and\NetBackup\db\images
WARNING: Without regular catalog backups, you risk losing regular backups if there is a problem with the disk that contains the catalogs.