Using nsrcap to install NetWorker license keys
The nsrcap
program enters a unique enabler code into the Legato NetWorker server's nsr_license resource that enables you to use features in the NetWorker software that you installed. You can use the nsrcap
utility to enter the enabler code for a new feature, or you can use the nsrcap utility to enter an enabler code that upgrades or downgrades Legato NetWorker software features that you are already using.
The following example describes the format and options available for the nsrcap
nsrcap [-vn] {-c | -u | -d} enabler-samp
To use the nsrcap
program, you must become root on the Legato NetWorker server and specify only one of the following command options:
- Use the -c option to enter an enabler code that enables you to use a feature that is not already installed. You can only load a feature once; an error is returned if you try to load the enabler more than once.
- Use the -d option to enter an enabler that downgrades an existing Base or Jukebox enabler. After you downgrade the enabler, you cannot return to the previous level enabled on your system. Do not use the -d option unless instructed to do so by Legato support.
- Use the -u option to enter an enabler that upgrades an existing Base enabler. (The -u option only works for the server enabler code). After you upgrade the enabler, you cannot return to the previous level enabled on your system.
The nsrcap program has two additional options that you can elect to use when you enter the one of the following command options:
- Use the -v option if you want the nsrcap program to display verbose information that describes the enabler entered.
- Use the -n option if you want to inspect the enabler code for validity. When you specify the -n option, the enabler code you enter on the command line is inspected, but is not entered into the NetWorker server's nsr_license resource.