savepnpc PRE and POST commands deprecated in NetWorker 9
Starting in NetWorker 9.0, the savepnpc command is no longer supported. However, you can still customise a backups behavior by running preprocessing and postprocessing commands. These commands should only be run once during the client backup, instead of once for each save set.
Preprocessing and postprocessing scripts can be useful if the client is running a database or another program that should be stopped before the client is backed up, and then restarted after the backup has completed.
To set the preprocessing and postprocessing command attributes in the client resource and configure the scripts for use, perform the following in NMC's Administration window.
- In the NetWorker Administration window, click Protection.
- In the expanded left panel, select Clients.
- Right-click the client resource and select Modify Client Properties.The Client Properties dialog box appears.
- Select the Apps & Modules tab
- In the Pre command attribute, specify the name of the script file that you require NetWorker to run before a backup.
- (optionally) In the Post command attribute, specify the name of the script file that you require NetWorker to run after a backup of all the save sets for the client completes.
- Click OK.
Note: Do not specify the path to the file steps 5 and 6.
The customised instructions are applied the next time that the client is backed up.