Changing Oracle Enterprise Linux hostname
Have you every been in the situation where corporate naming standards have changed and you have a bunch of systems where you need to change the hostname? This simple post provides the steps necessary to do just that for Oracle Enterprise Linux systems
In this scenario, the powers-of-be wanted a 2-digit year suffix to all hostnames for the actual year the system was build, so my hostnames are changing from:
Old | New |
jupiter | jupiter11 |
mars | mars09 |
mercury | mercury11 |
saturn | saturn10 |
Under Oracle Enterprise Linux the current hostname is generally stored in two places
- /etc/sysconfig/network
- /etc/hosts
Old jupiter hostname:
# hostname jupiter
So to make the changes for the new hostname, we perform:
- Edit
and changeHOSTNAME=jupiter
- Edit
, and change: jupiter
to10.1.1.12 jupiter11
- Proof is in the pudding:
# hostname jupiter11
We could simply use hostname -b
to perform the task, but the above would probably work across different Linux releases
warning: Whist change the hostname is pretty simple, you may need to check any applications or services that utilise the machine to confirm that any hardcoded hostname entries are also changed.