vi Quick Reference Guide
All commands in vi
are preceded by pressing the escape key. Each time a different command is to be entered, the escape key needs to be used. Except where indicated, vi
is case sensitive.
Cursor Movement Commands: | ||
(n) indicates a number, and is optional | ||
(n)h | left (n) space(s) | |
(n)j | down (n) space(s) | |
(n)k | up (n) space(s) | |
(n)l | right (n) space(s) | |
(The arrow keys usually work also) | ||
ctrlF | forward one screen | |
ctrlB | back one screen | |
ctrlD | down half screen | |
ctrlU | up half screen | |
H | beginning of top line of screen | |
M | beginning of middle line of screen | |
L | beginning of last line of screen | |
G | beginning of last line of file | |
(n)G | move to beginning of line (n) | |
0 | (zero) beginning of line | |
$ | end of line | |
(n)w | forward (n) word(s) | |
(n)b | back (n) word(s) | |
e | end of word | |
Inserting Text: | ||
i | insert text before the cursor | |
a | append text after the cursor (does not overwrite other text) | |
I | insert text at the beginning of the line | |
A | append text to the end of the line | |
r | replace the character under the cursor with the next character typed | |
R | Overwrite characters until the end of the line (or until escape is pressed to change command) | |
o | (alpha o) open new line after the current line to type text | |
O | (alpha O) open new line before the current line to type text | |
Deleting Text: | ||
dd | deletes current line | |
(n)dd | deletes (n) line(s) | |
(n)dw | deletes (n) word(s) | |
D | deletes from cursor to end of line | |
x | deletes current character | |
(n)x | deletes (n) character(s) | |
X | deletes previous character | |
Change Commands: | ||
(n)cc | changes (n) characters on line(s) until end of the line (or until escape is pressed) | |
cw | changes characters of word until end of the word (or until escape is pressed) | |
(n)cw | changes characters of the next (n) words | |
c$ | changes text to the end of the line | |
ct(x) | changes text to the letter (x) | |
C | changes remaining text on the current line (until stopped by escape key) | |
~ | changes the case of the current character | |
J | joins the current line and the next line | |
u | undo the last command just done on this line | |
. | repeats last change | |
s | substitutes text for current character | |
S | substitutes text for current line | |
:s | substitutes new word(s) for old :<line nos effected> s/old/new/g | |
& | repeats last substitution (:s) command. | |
(n)yy | yanks (n) lines to buffer | |
y(n)w | yanks (n) words to buffer | |
p | puts yanked or deleted text after cursor | |
P | puts yanked or deleted text before cursor | |
File Manipulation: | ||
:w (file) | writes changes to file (default is current file) | |
:wq | Â | writes changes to current file and quits edit session |
:w! (file) | overwrites file (default is current file) | |
:q | Â | quits edit session w/no changes made |
:q! | Â | quits edit session and discards changes |
:n | Â | edits next file in argument list |
:f (name) | changes name of current file to (name) | |
:r (file) | reads contents of file into current edit at the current cursor position (insert a file) | |
:!(command) | shell escape | |
:r!(command) | inserts result of shell command at cursor position | |
ZZ | write changes to current file and exit |