SunOS 4.1x and 5.x Administrative Command differences
This article provides a summary of the SunOS administrative command differences between SunOS 4.1.x and Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x) based systems
SunOS 4.X | SunOS 5.X | Comments |
add_services | pkgadd
swmtool |
Add software packages. |
arch | uname -m | Determine the system architecture. |
at | at | Security is more restricted under SunOS 5.X. |
automount | automount | The new master file names are auto_master and auto_home. The default home directory is /export/home/<username>. |
bar | NA | Use tar or cpio -H bar to replace bar. |
biff -y | chmod o+x /dev/tty | Set the tty permissions, as biff is not available. |
biff -n | chmod o-x /dev/tty | Set the tty permissions, as biff is not available. |
biod | NA | Block I/O daemon. |
cc | /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc | Separate product. |
chown | chown | How it treats symbolic links is changed. The command now follows the link and changes permissions on the file. To change the ownership of the link use chown -h. |
dcheck | NA | File system directory consistency check. |
dd | dd | Now uses 2-byte, rather than 4-byte words. |
devinfo | devinfo
sysdef -d |
Information reported has been changed. |
df | df -k | Output format and options are changed. |
dkinfo | prtvtoc | Reports similar information; privileged command in SunOS5.4 onwards. |
dorfs | rfstart/rfstop | RFS commands. |
du | du -k | Now reports in 512 byte, rather than 1024 byte blocks. |
dump | ufsdump | Some new options. Now recognizes end-of-media. |
etherfind | snoop | Similar functions. |
exportfs | share | For both NFS and RFS. |
extract_files | NA | Extract files from installation media. |
extract_patch | NA | Extract patches from installation media. |
extract_unbundled | pkgadd
swmtool |
Add software packages. |
fastboot | init 6 | Run level 6. |
fasthalt | init 0 | Run level 0. |
file | file | No longer has the -L option. |
find | find | No longer has the -n cpio option. |
fsck | fsck | Changed. |
hostid | sysdef -h | Sysdef is used to report the current system definitions, including peripherals attached and drivers loaded. |
hostname | uname -n | Uname prints current system definitions. |
init | init | Many changes, including run levels, etc. |
intr | NA | Allow the following command to be interruptible. |
iostat | iostat | Some options are changed. |
ldconfig | NA | Configure the cache for the run-time link editor, |
lpc | lpsched | LP scheduler. |
lpd | lpadmin | LP configuration command. |
lpq | lpstat | Status of LP jobs. |
lpr | lp | Some different options. |
lprm | cancel | Cancel an LP job. |
lptest | NA | Generate a test pattern for the line printer. |
ls | ls | Some options are changed. |
mach | uname -p | Report the machine type. |
make | make | Now located in /usr/ccs/bin (package SUNWsprot). |
makekey | NA | Generate an encryption key. |
mkfs | mkfs | Changed to support additional file system types. |
mknod | mknod | No longer have to be root to create character and block special files. |
modstat | modinfo | Displays information about the kernel modules loaded. |
mount | mount | Changed to include additional file system types. |
ncheck | ncheck | Changed to include additional file system types. |
portmap | rpcbind | Maps universal addresses to RPC program number. |
printenv | env | Print the user's environment variables. |
ps | ps | Options are changed, e.g. use ps -ef instead of ps aux. |
pstat | sar | Reports on system activity. |
pstat -s | swap -s | Reports on swap space available. |
rdump | ufsdump | Remote drives can be specified. |
restore | ufsrestore | File system restore program. |
rpc.etherd | NA | Server for ethernet statistics. |
rpc.lockd | lockd | File locking daemon. |
rpc.mountd | mountd | Mount daemon. |
rpc.rquotad | rquotad | Server for remote quotas. |
rpc.statd | statd | Network status monitor. |
rpc.yppasswdd | rpc.yppasswdd | NIS password daemon; install NIS compatibility package, SUNWnsktu. |
rrestore | ufsrestore | Remote drives can be specified. |
rusage | NA | Resource usage for the specified command. |
shutdown | shutdown | Significant changes. |
stty | stty | Some options have been changed. |
suninstall | suninstall | Significant changes. |
swapon | swap -a | Add swap space. |
ttysoftcar | NA | Modem carrier control. |
tzsetup | NA | Timezone setup. Set with the /etc/default/init file. |
umount | umount | Changed to include additional file system types. |
unload | pkgrm | Remove a software package. |
update | fsflush | Flush the memory buffers. |
vipw | /usr/ucb/vipw | /etc/passwd editing; also allows editing of /etc/shadow. |
vmstat | vmstat | Some options are changed. |
who | who | Additional options available. |
whoami | id | Print the username. |
yppasswd | passwd
yppasswd nispasswd |
The yppasswd command is still available for changing password information on an NIS server. Use nispasswd to access NIS+ servers. |
ypserv | /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypserv
rpc.nisd |
NIS daemon (install package SUNWnsktu).
NIS+ uses this daemon to service requests for information. |