Restoring data using scanner and uasm
Sometimes we need to recover data from the tapes which are well beyond Browse & Retention Policies. Of course the index is no longer there & we want to recover particular data. This can be achieved by using uasm in NetWorker.
- Mount the Tape in the drive from which you want to recover the data into drive & follow the procedure given below.
scanner /dev/rmt/1cbn
This will report the SSID,client name & saveset name present in the Tape. Apparently we don't want to restore this on original location. - Suppose we want to recover this on /tmp location. Now the desired SSID can be selected.
scanner -S <ssid> /dev/rmt/1cbn | uasm -rv -m/usr=/tmp
This will scan the bits right of the tape for given SSID & will pipe it to uasm for recevering. uasm is default ASM (Application Specific Module) for Unix Filesystem present. "r" switch for recovring, "v" for verbosity, "/usr" actual saveset & relocated to /tmp for recovery.
- To recover all the savesets for particular client, use this
scanner -c <client name> -x uasm -rv -m/usr=/tmp
This process can be automated using scripts to suite the needs.