Renaming a Veritas cluster online service group
This article provides 6 quick steps to allow you to rename on online service group under VCS cluster.
- Freeze the service group
# haconf -makerw # hagrp -freeze <SG_name> -sys <system_name> -persistent # haconf -dump -makero
where: <SG_name> - is the name of the service group that you wish to rename <system_name> - is the cluster node where the service group is currently online.
For example if we are renaming service group SG03 on cluster node vcsdevnod03, we would perform:
# hagrp -freeze SG03 -sys vcsdevnod03 -persistent
- Stop HAD but keep service groups online
# hastop -all -force
- Change the name of the service group and save the file
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config # cp # vi
- Start VCS on the modified node
# hastart
- Run
on all remaining nodes so that they do the REMOTE_BUILD and with the new service group name is copied over to all the remaining nodes - Unfreeze the service group
# haconf -makerw # hagrp -unfreeze <SG_name> -sys <system_name> -persistent # haconf -dump -makero