Performing Live Upgrade with ZFS
This article basically provides the steps necessary to perform a live upgrade of OpenSolaris with ZFS as the root file system.
I've been working with Solaris and OpenSolaris for quiet sometime, and eventually I've decided to do a fresh install rather than the usual upgrade.
In doing so, I was surprised that my root file system is now under ZFS control rather than the other UFS as per my previous installs/upgrades ... Yipee - looks likes Solaris is coming of age...
- download the ISO image
# wget
- mount ISO image as loopback device on /mnt
# lofiadm -a {ISO_IMAGE} # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
- remove current LU pkgs and reinstall latest
# pkgrm SUNWluu SUNWluzone SUNWlur SUNWlucfg # cd /mnt/Solaris_11/Product # pkgadd -d . SUNWluu SUNWluzone SUNWlur SUNWlucfg
- clone current BE to AE
# lucreate -c OLD_BUILD -n NEW_BUILD
- check status
# lustatus
- perform upgrade
# luupgrade -u -n NEW_BUILD -s /mnt
- recheck status
# lustatus
- activate new build image
# luactivate NEW_BUILD
- perform reboot to boot new image
# init 6
(dont use reboot/shutdown, you must perform an init 6)