NetWorker Integration
NetWorker integrates with VMWare much like Avamar. It will do guest-based backup with agents installed in the guest VMs for which the VM needs to be powered on. It will also do image-level backup using VADP using a proxy client that takes a snapshot, mounts the snap and backs up the snapshot. This reduces overhead on the ESXi host. Also, like with Avamar, CBT can be used to backup only changed blocks of data in the VMDK files. Individual file restore from VMDK can take place only on NTFS volumes.
NetWorker integrates with cloud services, both private and public. It will compress and encrypt the data in transit, as well as throttle bandwidth to ensure service level to applications and customers. It will handle backup, recovery, staging and cloning. Clones are infinitely appendable when storing in the cloud.
NetWorker integrates with DPA, providing expanded monitoring and predictive analysis.
NetWorker integrates with Avamar, making Avamar to be seen as a storage device. It will then use Avamar's source-based deduplication and the Avamar is referred to as the dedupe node. One advantage over Avamar is that NetWorker will allow multiple simultaneous backup of the smae client, for instance you can run a file level and database backup at the same time reducing time. All jobs are managed and configured through NetWorker, and all NetWorker Modules can be used. One caveat is that NetWorker will not manage Avamar Replication. That still needs to be configured and managed through the Avamare interface.
When a backup request is sent from NetWorker to Avamar, the save command spawns the avasm, which in turn spawns the nsravtar. The process then follows the normal Avamar backup routine where it checks the hash file on the storage node, creates a hash cache and compares to new data, etc.
Data Domain can act as an AFTD or FTD, it can be utilized as VTL over Fibre Channel, and it can be used wiht DD Boost. With DD Boost, you oobtain the benefit of central config and management of backup. Replication is also controlled in NetWorker when integrated with Data Domain. You can install DD Boost on a storage noe, or install it on the client and do client direct backup.