A collection of system administration hints and tips, tricks and articles for the Solaris operating system in all its variants.

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An introduction to Solaris Zones

This post is an introduction to the new virtual technology introduced from Sun Microsystems, namely Solaris Zones (not containers)

Sending a ZFS snaphot

You can use the zfs send command to send a copy of a snapshot stream and receive the snapshot stream in another pool

ZFS Send and Receive

ZFS has the ability to send and receive data. This can be used to combine snapshots, create backups, or replicate data between servers

How to mount an ISO image under Solaris

A simple procedure to mount an ISO image under the Solaris OS and present the image to Guest zones.

Troubleshooting ZFS Swap and Dump devices

If you need to adjust the size of the swap volume after installation on an active system, review the following steps. See CR 6765386 for more info

Using the Solaris getent command

The advantage of getent is that the command searches the information sources in the order in which they are configured in the name service switch file.