A miscellaneous collection of tech notes, how to's, cheat sheets, hints and tips and resources which don't fall into any other category.

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xargs examples

xargs command are unlike most other Unix commands in that its function is not so much to do something on its own, but to construct other commands

How much memory is in this UNIX system?

This is a relatively simple question, but alas, poor Yorick!, the answer is not plain sailing as all flavors of UNIX and Linux have different tools.

Allocating Sufficient Swap Space

If the system needs more memory resources and the RAM is full, inactive pages in memory are moved to the swap space.

#man RTFM

RTFM is often used as a response to technical questions. Unfortunately, some folks do not even know how to find the manual, let alone understand it.

Text file end-of-line termination

Solaris and Linux use only a new-line character. Windows based systems use both a new-line and a carriage return

Subnet Mask and Subnetting

Subnetting gives you the possibility to organize your hosts into logical groups, configuration that improves the network security and performance.

IP Address overview

What's an IP address? In short an IP address is the short expression used for Internet Protocol (IP) address.

Writing man pages

Every good program that can be used from the UNIX shell should be documented with a good man page.